One of our customers recently reviewed our mats: "I put them in our locker room and the guys love them." One customer uses them in an airplane hangar for cadets to work out on during rainy days. The business applications of our mats are just about endless. How do you imagine improving your business with EVA foam flooring?
Let's imagine a scenario where your business does better because (in part) to attractive, wood grain foam mats on the floor. A customer has been hoofing it through stores all day, resulting in sore feet, knees and back, cutting short his patience considerably, and he finally comes to your store. He opens the door, steps inside, and his attention is immediately drawn downward. What is this stuff I'm standing on? He sees wood, but feels like he's standing on a cloud. His demeanor changes. He's intrigued and continues to walk through the store, enjoying this unique feeling beneath his feet, radiating through his joints, and bringing just a touch of a smile to the corners of his mouth.
Your new Classic Oak foam flooring mats have made an impression on your customer, and you haven't even introduced your product yet! You approach the customer, introduce yourself, and ask if he's ever been in your store. The stage is set and the conversation flows easily because your customer is comfortable, feeling that you, as a business owner, truly care about his well-being. Making a connection has never been easier.
Attention to detail, like the look and feel of your wood grain mats, is something that sets businesses apart from each other. When you install any of our wood grain mats in your small business, you'll end up with customers like ours telling you how much they love the mats. It puts them in a positive frame of mind to continue doing business with you, and even recommending you to their friends and colleagues.
Do your business a favor this year by installing some classy, professional, and comfortable wood grain flooring. No professional installation is required, and you'll quickly have customers raving about your products and your customer service.
Details Instruction:
Closed cell construction (non absorbing)
Pack of 6 tiles with edging strips
EVA Foam Floor Mat - Wood Desgin
6 tiles cover an area of 1.2 x 1.8m
Traditional pine wood effect look to blend in with floors and interiors
Absorbs shock/noise on hard surfaces
Quick and easy to install, pieces lock together like a jigsaw
Lay and take up as and when you need to
How many packs do I need?
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